Saturday, June 4, 2011

Week 13: Post your Blog Entries as Comments to my Main Post Each Week

Post by Sunday at midnight.


  1. 1. Yeo Min Sook

    2. a place of safety

    3. the crime levels have developed since 2001 but I've not been able to feel the change. There is a hideous crime like Serial killers or hate crimes and so on. But these crimes seems distant from my place. My family, friend, neighbor never experienced a minor offense. They live in peace and security, so I think Korea is a place of safety.
    Seoul crime rate highest since 2001

    The number of crimes that occurred in Seoul last year exceeded 400,000, reaching the highest level since 2001.

    According to the 2010 Seoul Statistical Yearbook released Monday, police opened investigations on a total of 405,432 crimes in the capital last year. The figure was the highest since 2001 when 410,054 crimes were committed, said officials.

    The yearly crime figure largely fluctuated up and down between 2000 and 2005 but took a rising turn in 2006 ― from 346,810 in 2006, 355,735 in 2007, 392,643 in 2008 to its peak last year, showed the data.

    The suspect apprehension rate, however, was 86.8 percent in 2008 and last year, which was the lowest since the 86.1 percent rate recorded back in 2004.

    Violations of the traffic law, cyber crime regulation law and other special regulation laws topped the list with 195,364 cases, and violent crime ranked second with 70,369 cases, said officials.

    Fraud, forgery and other intellectual crimes followed with 72,262, and there were 37,175 cases of theft.

    Felonies such as murder, robbery and rape showed the steepest rise ― a 19 percent increase from 3,778 cases in 2008 to 4,495 last year.

    Sex-related crimes such as adultery and prostitution soared by 108 percent from 2,980 to 6,203 in the same period. This was a sharp rise as the corresponding yearly figure averaged at 2,690 from 2004-2008.

    Among the 544,313 criminal suspects apprehended last year, 140,220 were in their 40s, 133,484 in their 30s and 110,342 in their 20s, according to the data.

    The number of juvenile crimes fell by 6.2 percent from 25,691 in 2008 to 20,498 last year despite the general increase, but crimes by foreigners jumped by 23.2 percent from 7,739 to 6,283 in the same period.

    By Bae Hyun-jung (

  2. 1. Jaewoo Sung

    2. Organized Crime

    3. People see many kinds of "Organized Crime" through the movies or TV programs. In this reason, even some young people may long for them as their dream. That is totally wrong. The reality of organized crime is absolutely different from the shows. They all are related to crime, especially money and homicide. That is real.



    " When you think of organized crime, you probably picture the Italian and Sicilian Mafioso of television and the silver screen. But in recent years, the face of organized crime has changed, and the threat is broader and more complex than ever.

    Today, organized crime includes:
    * Russian mobsters who fled to the U.S. in the wake of the Soviet Union’s collapse;
    * Groups from African countries like Nigeria that engage in drug trafficking and financial scams;
    * Chinese tongs, Japanese Boryokudan, and other Asian crime rings; and
    * Enterprises based in Eastern European nations like Hungary and Romania.

    All of these groups have a presence in the U.S. or are targeting our citizens from afar—using the Internet and other technologies of our global age. More and more, they are literally becoming partners in crime, realizing they have more to gain from cooperating than competing.''-- From the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Organized Crime home page.

    The F.B.I. defines organized crime as "any group having some manner of a formalized structure and whose primary objective is to obtain money through illegal activities. Such groups maintain their position through the use of actual or threatened violence, corrupt public officials, graft, or extortion, and generally have a significant impact on the people in their locales, region, or the country as a whole.'' The bureau estimates the yearly annual proceeds of organized crime around the world at $1 trillion.

